Monday, January 4, 2010

Using Microdermabrasion Stretch Marks Treatment

Having stretch marks have been one of the most frequent complaints by women after or during their childbirth. Using microdermabrasion stretch marks treatment is one of the many ways to deal with this problem that has been bothering many women.

The difficulty of preventing the skin from developing stretch marks due to pregnancy adds more anxiety to most women. This is especially so, when several surgical procedures said to eliminate stretch marks completely tend to be painful, costly and requires longer recovery period.

Microdermabrasion offers these anxious women a sure-fire and painless alternative. Microdermabrasion is a process that abrades the topmost skin layer and gradually removing the dead skin that is both scarred and discolored. The effectiveness of microdermabrasion as stretch marks removal treatment can be proven microscopically.

The treatment of stretch marks may be performed in a dermatologist, cosmetic surgery clinics, spas and even high end aesthetician clinics. It can even be tried in the convenience of your home using effective microdermabrasion home kits.

The challenge for the process of microdermabrasion is stretch marks that are old and have become hard, stubborn and tough. Several sessions will be required before these scars are totally eradicated.

Since microdermabrasion machines have several adjustable speed and power, the re-surfacing device that comes with the machine massages the upper most layers of the scarred tissues, stimulating circulation of the blood, softening the area to allow the emulsions packed with nutrients and specific ingredients that will penetrate deeply onto the skin and slowly ridding the skin of blemishes, spots and therefore making the skin more pliable and smoother to the touch.

The microdermabrasion machine also releases ultrasonic frictional heat which increases and accelerates circulation, promoting muscle relaxation and even burning of cellulites and break down of fat. The treatment and rubbing off of damaged cells will gently dissolve skin lesions and reduce scars and remove superficial flaws.

It will also destroy pathogens and create right environment for the regeneration of normal collagen and healthy skin. Likewise, the specially prepared emulsion will nourish the skin with antioxidants that have been depleted by stress and protect the skin from oxidative damage due to free radicals thereby improving elasticity, increases density and moisture retention capacity of the skin.

After treatment lotions with lipid enhancers may be needed to continually moisturize and enhance the penetration of products into the skin to stimulate rapid reproduction of renewed cells. The positive results of stretch marks among women have not only helped women regain their self-esteem but it has also given them more confidence to face daily challenges every day.

Using Vitamin For Stretch Marks

Using vitamin for stretch marks are a low-cost method for the reduction and prevention of stretch marks treatment. By adding foods to your diet which are rich in zinc and protein as well as vitamins A, C, and D, you will help fade stretch marks faster. The best cure for stretch marks is still prevention.

Eating the right foods can help you achieve the ideal of not having stretch marks in the first place. If, however, your diet is not rich in the above-mentioned vitamins and minerals, you can still get the benefit of them by purchasing and using vitamin oils from any nearby department or drug store.

Another method you may want to try is putting vitamin E on your skin directly. Moisture will be added to the skin on which you apply vitamin E; you should apply it to areas of the skin which either have stretch marks or are prone to getting them.

Skin cells will regenerate when applying Vitamin E oil to the outer layer of skin; this is one reason why it works so well. The scarred tissue that is stretch marks will be replaced and fade over time, eventually getting to where they are not noticeable, because the vitamin E helps speed up the growth of new skin.

Because it increases the elasticity of the skin and prevents the formation of new scars, vitamin E oil is great as a tool to remove stretch marks. Due to the ability to both reduce visible stretch marks and prevent further stretch marks or scarring, vitamin E is truly a wonder finding.

Best of all, vitamin E is available at health food stores, department stores, and pharmacies without a prescription. You can get a bottle of these wonder capsules for the minimal cost of about $6.00 to $12.00.

Laser Stretch Mark Removal Treatment

Having stretch marks are one frustrating problems anyone can have. Chances are that you really would prefer to do away with them. They can be unsightly and unattractive. Rather than attempting to cover them up and conceal them, though, why not have them entirely removed? With laser stretch mark removal, you may be able to do exactly that.

Laser stretch mark removal acts in a distinctive and fascinating manner. A beam of light is concentrated on the affected area in order to get rid of the layers of skin surrounding the marks. This laser is particularly well suited for this function. As opposed to other lasers that cauterize or cut the affected skin region, this method employs a high-powered UV laser light which actually breaks up the molecular adhesion in the skin tissue. This stimulates the tissue to fall apart in a procedure known as ablation. Following the operation, the treated region is fast to mend as fresh layers of healthy skin form rapidly. The scars are destroyed, and the affected region is regenerated and back to normal.

Many individuals are concerned that they're going to spend a great deal of money on laser treatment and have the outcome be marginal at best. Yet, in the majority of instances this treatment is extremely effective. Much like any other similar procedure, success hinges on the pervasiveness and age of the marks. Older and thicker scars could be a great deal more difficult to eradicate.

For certain deep and long time marks, it may take up to 10 treatments to totally get rid of them. And in the most severe instances, even a complete series of laser stretch mark removal treatments may only minimize the visibility of the marks and not get rid of them completely.

No surgical procedure or medical routine is without potential dangers, and the same is true for laser stretch mark removal. A mismanaged laser can easily produce surface tissue damage. Blisters and other adverse reactions to the laser are also conceivable, so make certain to speak to your physician if you have a history of allergic reactions, particularly related to your skin.

Even so, there are no serious consequences that have been known to arise from this surgery. Just make certain to find a skilled professional to do your operation so that you don't have to worry about surface burns or scarring from the procedure. And keep in mind that every situation is going to be different. Speak to a physician who you can rely on to advise you about what to expect prior to the procedure.

Stretch marks can show up on your body for any number of reasons, including rapid weight loss or gain, pregnancy, or the changes to your body that take place during puberty. Find out more about stretch mark removal and what your options are in dealing with this problem at Stretch Marks Help.